Planning a wedding during Covid
Let us take you back to your engagement. An exciting, simple time! Well… we bet this isn’t what you expected wedding planning to look like.
It has been one crazy year, and we truly feel for couples planning nuptials. Kudos to our 2020 couples! The resilience, flexibility and dedication they have shown the process and each other will hold you in good stead for married life.
Endless thanks to everyone who embraced #postponedontcancel - you WILL be married one day and when you do, it WILL be awesome!
With the majority of couples moving their dates, 2021 is going to be a busy year for the wedding industry. Here are our top tips on #planningaweddingin2020
With 40-60% more weddings expected next year, competition is high for dates. The best chance of securing your preferred vendors is to lock them in early.
If this year has taught us anything it’s that back-up plans are essential. Flexibility is key, but better yet consider Plan B your new Plan A and remove some of the stress of restrictions.
Never have we heard the term “Micro-wedding” flung around so much, and honestly, we kinda love it. Honestly? A celebration with your closest nearest and dearest sounds perfect. Small doesn’t mean low impact – you can still create your incredible vision on a more intimate scale and it won’t discount the incredible memories you will make on your day. We’ve just launched an Intimate Package, perfectly tailored to smaller weddings, check it out <here>
Trust us when we say the sunset is equally as stunning here on a Tuesday as Saturday, the food is equally spectacular on a Sunday and the love, well the love is here every day of the week. Still not sold? How about these awesome wedding dates #palindrome (psst. Currently still available) 12.1.21 | 21.1.21 |21.2.21|12.11.21 | 21.12.21
We know the party goes wild when Uncle Jeff pulls out his worm but alas, that may not be on the cards for a little while. Luckily we work with a brilliant MC and have already brainstormed some unique, personal and fun games to play from your table. Happy memories guaranteed! Read some of our ideas in our blog post <here>
As a poetic silver lining, this abundance of time at home gives you the chance to work on the intricate details of your event you might otherwise have never got around to. Give yourself the time to ask yourself the hard questions, to determine what is truly important to you both as a couple.