9 Reasons to LOVE Winter Weddings
October to February is often considered the height of wedding season, when the weather is (usually) warm and sunny. But is this REALLY the best time of year to tie the knot?
Here’s our top 9 reasons for getting married in winter;
❤️ Better Availability & Lower Rates
Due to popular demand, most venues and vendors book up quickly during the summer months (sometimes years in advance) - we're all familiar with the supply/demand fundamentals, peak time will come with a peak price tag! Less competitive months will benefir from greater availability with your preferred vendors and alos, most importantly "Winter Rates".
According to Easy Weddings, winter weddings will cost approximately $6k less than the average wedding cost <Don't believe us? Click here>
But this is Australia people, we’re not busting out the snow boots & balaclavas just yet. Another bonus? You're likely to get your wedding pics back faster as your photographer is less slammed in the summer/spring months.
❤️ Bonus Inclusions
To boost winter bookings, you will find many vendors offering extra inclusions or all-in packages for couples wishing to tie the knot in less popular months. So not only do you benefit from lowers rate, but you also get stacks of extras to sweeten the deal.
❤️ European Honeymoon in Summer
International borders have finally reopened...LET'S CELEBRATE WITH A EUROPEAN SUMMER! We know, you can just get married in January and wait 6 months before you jet off on your honeymoon, but there’s nothing quite like leaving on that wedding high (and letting your family and friends clean up the reception styling *evil laugh*), and by the time you get back… Yay, your photos are back from the photographer and you are sun kissed and ready for Aussie summer!
❤️ Those Pink Sunsets
Think these sunsets are a luck of the draw? Think again!
It’s actually quiet scientific.
The colours of a sunrise or sunset are based on how light is entering and traveling through the atmosphere. So, when it's hazy out, the sunrise or sunset colours will be more muted. When the air is crisp and clear, these twilight hours will offer up more vibrant colours and turn your wedding photos from gorgeous to DIVINE!
❤️ No hot mess
Cooler weather means it’s easier to keep your cool… Perfectly coiffed hair falls flat in humidity, the smoothest of manes can be frizzified and don’t mention the melting make-up. Dreamy outdoor ceremony spots can quickly lose their appeal for our suited counterparts on glorious 30+ degree days.
❤️ Less chance of rain
Did you know that the lowest mean number of rainy days in NSW fall between June – Aug? #Mindblown
❤️ Reduce Wedding Fatigue
Let’s face it, attending a wedding as a guest can be expensive. If you’re close to the couple there are plenty of pre-wedding events tugging at your purse stringd (Bridal showers, hen parties & bucks weekends), add in the cost of a new outfit and you’re already considering an overdraft before you slip a few pineapples into the wedding card. Relieve the financial burden for guests by holding your wedding in winter when social calendars are quieter and everyone has time to recover financially before Christmas.
❤️ Less stress
With less chance of rain, ease of booking coveted vendors, lower cost and that European honeymoon to look forward, we guarantee the planning process will be a breeze!
❤️ Wedding flowers that don't wilt
With the cooler weather in winter months, wedding flowers such as floral arbours can last better outdoors and your wedding bouquet can last longer out of water and not risk looking wilted in your wedding photos.